Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 8, 2024

 Greetings Everyone!

It is the second week of October.

 H. P. Lovecraft, surely as much of a patron saint of autumn as Ray Bradbury, personifies October as a “mystic pilgrim” in his poem “October.”

“Mellow-faced with eyes of faery, wistful clad in tinted leaves,

See the brown October tarry by the golden rows of sheaves.

Oak and acorn in his garland, fruit and wineskin in his hands,

Mystic pilgrim from a far land down the road to farther lands.”

This is a bit ironic because Lovecraft didn’t believe in the existence of “farther lands.”  Lovecraft had no love for humans, no hope that human beings could perfect themselves and no faith that higher, spiritual beings exist who care about  us.  He saw only a bleak, frightening cosmos waiting in the future—a cosmos indifferent to us and filled with malevolent entities that seek to insure our destruction.

But this is Lovecraft’s belief and there is no reason why we have to accept it.  

For my part, I believe in the farther lands—the lands of beauty and promise— where we can, if we have enough love, hope and faith, make all of our dreams come true.


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