Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

Greetings Everyone!

I did a recent interview with Brandon Wallace on the Truth & Shadow Podcast, hosted on Apple Podcasts! Among other topics, I discuss the connections between Lovecraft's Mythos and esoteric traditions.

Please listen in!


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

 Greetings Everyone!

My new book, Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft: White Fragility in the Weird Tales, was recently published by Bloomsbury, the foremost academic publisher in the United States and in the United Kingdom!

I hope that all of you will pick up a copy; you can order it online from the publishers and, of course, from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world.  The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.

In two of his earliest poems, “De Triumpho Naturae” (1905) and “On the Creation of Niggers”(1912), Lovecraft upends Darwin’s theory of evolution by proposing a theory of polygenesis, arguing that humans, including the superior types of humans—white Anglo Saxons—evolved from some type of highly developed quadruped, complete with pointed ears and a tail, like its distant cousin the monkey.  However, Blacks evolved from different, lower quadrupeds.  Thus, since white Anglo-Saxons and Blacks are not descended from the same quadrupeds, they are separate species, and therefore, Blacks should not be considered as human beings.

You can read all about Lovecraft’s theory of polygenesis in Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft, and how Lovecraft uses this theory to insist that Blacks, like monkeys and apes, must be kept separate from humans—they represent, in fact, a threat to the purity of the white race. 


Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 2024

Greetings Everyone!

I hope all of you will pick up a copy of my recent book: Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft: White Fragility in the Weird Tales.   You can order it online from Bloomsbury, my  publishers, or from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world.  The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.

Lovecraft lost his privileged lifestyle in his teen years, when he and his mother were forced to move out of their  Providence Rhode Island mansion and live instead in rented rooms located just blocks from their birthright.   This was the most traumatic event in Lovecraft’s life and it activated his white fragility, which had been latent up until this time.  Lovecraft’s racism intensified as well, for he could see that he wasn’t as privileged or superior to the so-called inferior, non-white races as he had believed.

Lovecraft’s loss of his privileged lifestyle, also, triggered a pattern of loss and failure that characterized Lovecraft’s life from that moment onwards: whenever he found himself facing a “crisis,” he would freeze up and be unable to act—thus, whatever he was trying to accomplish ended up in failure.   This pattern is evident not only in the various personal crises that Lovecraft found himself having to face in his adult life, but we see this same pattern of behavior reflected in the lives and careers of the fictional protagonists in his major works.

You can read all about Lovecraft’s personal traumas and the psychological and  psychosomatic problems that plagued him  in Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft!


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024

 Greetings Everyone!

My new book, Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft: White Fragility in the Weird Tales, was recently published by Bloomsbury. I hope that all of you will pick up a copy; you can order it online from the publishers and, of course, from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world.  The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.

Lovecraft scholar Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, in his essay “Tekeli-li: Poe, Lovecraft, and the Suspicion of Sameness” (2017) poses these questions: “If the affective power of a text is derived from retrograde sociopolitical points of view, to what extent is the reader who enjoys the works implicated in approving of and disseminating those opinions?  How, in short, should we read—and teach—racist texts?”

After reading Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft, the reader should be in a better position to answer these questions, and though a few readers might find the answers easy, the majority, I think, will find them even more difficult.    JLS

And when you get a chance, please check out my other books as well.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 11, 2024

Greetings Everyone!

Please check out my new book: Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft

You can order the book online from the publishers and, of course, from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world.  The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.

Paul Rolland, Lovecraft scholar and author of The Curious Case of H. P. Lovecraft (2014), writes: “The deficiencies of the man do not...debase the quality of his best work.  If anything, they invest it with a twisted passion that is missing from his more fantastic fiction.”

You may agree with this, or not.  But “twisted passion” is the perfect phrase to describe Lovecraft’s work, especially the racist works.  Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft is, at the very least, an attempt to study and understand exactly how passionate and twisted Lovecraft really was.

And if you haven't already, check out my two other books! They are all fun to read!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 3, 2024

Greetings Everyone!

Please read my new book: Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft. It is the definitive book on the topic of Lovecraft's racism and it explains how Lovecraft uses racist images and narratives to create hybrid monsters and his extra-terrestrial, cosmic slave masters. You can order the book from Bloomsbury, Amazon, and countless other on-line booksellers, or, if you prefer, pick up a copy at your local bookstore!   

Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024

 Greetings Everyone!

My new book, Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft: White Fragility in the Weird Tales, was recently released by Bloomsbury, the foremost academic publisher in the United States and in the United Kingdom!

I hope that all of you will pick up a copy; you can order it online from the publishers and, of course, from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world.  The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.

Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft is the first, book-length study that addresses the topic of Lovecraft’s racism and white privilege.  The book will show for the first time the full extent of Lovecraft’s racism, which ranges from the early works—the hybrid, degenerative monsters tales, as I refer to them, to the later, mature works—the great tales, as they are sometimes called, where Lovecraft’s extra-terrestrial alien races—all of them cosmic slave masters—square off against their own manufactured slave races and, in certain cases, human slaves as well.

The book, in particular, studies how Lovecraft uses his racial hatred creatively by developing racist images and narratives to advocate for his xenophobic political beliefs: that western civilization is in decline due to unrestrained immigration, miscegenation and hybridism; and that slavery is not only endemic, but justifiable among superior civilizations, especially the white, Anglo-Saxon civilizations.

There is no writer in the English language, and certainly, no writer of comparable magnitude to Lovecraft, who even attempts to do such a thing.  It is, quite literally, an unprecedented phenomenon.

So, please check it out!

John L. Steadman