Greetings Everyone!
Please check out my new book: Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft!
You can order the book online from the publishers and, of course, from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world. The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.Paul Rolland, Lovecraft scholar and author of The Curious Case of H. P. Lovecraft (2014), writes: “The deficiencies of the man do not...debase the quality of his best work. If anything, they invest it with a twisted passion that is missing from his more fantastic fiction.”
You may agree with this, or not. But “twisted passion” is the perfect phrase
to describe Lovecraft’s work, especially the racist works. Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft is, at
the very least, an attempt to study and understand exactly how passionate and
twisted Lovecraft really was.
And if you haven't already, check out my two other books! They are all fun to read!