Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017

I recently published a short essay, " Magickal & Virtual Egregores in the 21st Century." (March  20, 2017)

"Magickal &Virtual Egregores in the 21st Century" examines the similarities and the differences between magickal egregores, i.e. entities created by magickal practitioners for various occult purposes, and virtual egregores, which are  created by software developers and gaming artists for entertainment purposes.

Both types of entities function as sources of information; pure information, in effect.   Magickal egregores are often used by magicians  to exchange information between the astral plane and the physical plane.  I would argue that virtual egregores can do likewise (or at least, they will be able to do this, once artificial intelligence is perfected.

Please check out the essay at the following link.


I also did an interview with Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole, hosted by Jason Colwell,  7:45 – 9 PM EST, March 7, 2017.  This interview is now available for listening or for download.


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