Monday, April 30, 2018

May 1, 2018

Tonight is Walpurgis Nacht, and all of you know what that is; the forces of darkness hold sway tonight until the dawn, and then the forces of light take over.

But isn't this true of all nights & all dawns?  And to be accurate, there is little difference between the night and the dawn.

I rarely get good feedback from fortune tellers; I usually tell my own fortunes with my cards & it works well for me.

But the fortune teller told me: Finding exotic uses for what others ignore will make your special fortune.

And this has been true for me- my books and my essays are all exotic and they have made a reputation for me.  They have made me successful & happy.

So, my friends, go and do the same thing.  Search out the exotic things that make you different from everyone else- the things that are most you.

And pursue them as hard as you can & for all of your life.  And you will succeed, I can promise you that. And you will be happy.


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