Saturday, February 24, 2024

February 24, 2024

Greetings Everyone!

My new book, Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft: White Fragility in the Weird Tales, has just been released by Bloomsbury, the foremost academic publisher in the United States and in the United Kingdom!

I hope that all of you will pick up a copy; you can order it online from the publishers and, of course, from Amazon and other online booksellers around the world.  The book is also available in bookstores here in the states as well as overseas.

In my previous posting, I examined Lovecraft’s theory of evolution, where he argues that Anglo-Saxons and the other white races are descended from different, more advanced types of apes than the apes that Blacks are descended from; therefore, Blacks and whites are  separate species and Blacks should not be considered as human beings.

In his fictional works, especially in the early works—the tales that I refer to as the hybrid, degenerative monster tales—Lovecraft carries this argument even further.  He  suggests that when it comes to separate, but similar species such as Blacks and whites, there is a built-in genetic barrier that excludes members of the “lower” species from becoming members of the “higher” species.  However, the reverse is not true— members of the higher species can move between the barriers  and de-evolve if they so desire, but this will force them to leave their “humanity” behind.

You can read all about Lovecraft’s theory of evolution and how he uses it to justify his xenophobic political beliefs in Horror as Racism in H. P. Lovecraft!

In my next posting, I will examine one of Lovecraft’s main sources for his views about de-evolution—Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novel: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.



  1. Yet another piece of trash from a an Extremist Woke Lunatic infected by an insidious Marxism spread by social contagion. The premise is utterly despicable Leftist trash. It is an extremist leftwing version of the craziness you’d find on the QANON blog or any MAGA Cult Member social media feed. The extremist lunatics have taken over both our parties and we need to take them back! Don’t buy this garbage book because it will find yet another extremist KOOK.

  2. This book is a sophomoric attempt by a fourth rate author to push the Leftist white supremacy and white fragility conspiracy theories. It is not hard to undermine Steadman’s argument. Joshi’s I Am Providence details just how susceptible Whipple’s fortunes were to the vagaries of nature, as floods wrecked the dam twice. Whipple Phillips was just an entrepreneur who enjoyed a temporary, speculative, and contingent prosperity. When his venture failed, there were no white people ready to help him turn his life around and reclaim a socially dominant position. No one cared.

    If the mild prosperity that the Lovecraft family enjoyed came to such a dramatic and irrevocable end from something as abrupt and arbitrary as harsh weather, then it seems reasonable to ask just how thoroughly the social order of late-19th- and early-20th-century America was rigged for their benefit. Their prosperity was precarious, superficial, wiped out in flash, in no way assured by an economic and political dispensation systemically favoring whites. As black families knew, the racism of the time was real and ghastly, but to link the terms “white” and “privilege” so facilely, as if all whites lived a privileged existence, ignores a vastly complex social reality.

    Overall, this book is pure gaslighting by a racist author promoting hate speech against people with white skin.

  3. The USA is the most socially dynamic and successful multi ethnic society in human history. There is no other society which has come as far and as fast as we have. Of course HP Lovecraft was racist and had an ugly aspect to his imagination, he came of age during the overtly racist Wilson "progressive" presidency. His imagination was also responsible for some of the richest and most thought provoking fiction in the English language. Normal people have no trouble separating Lovecraft's flaws from his accomplishments. Only academics who live in their utopian fantasy have trouble understanding the past and what real progress looks like...

  4. Some anonymous commenter has copy and pasted lines from my NR essay into this comments section. Please do not do this. It's illegal.
